Editis is one of France’s leading publishers.
Initially spread over 3 sites in Paris, Editis wanted to bring all its 1,200 employees together on a single site.

Customer needs
To preserve continuity of work during the move, Editis has asked us to carry out all transfers during the last ten days of 2019. This represented 1,200 employees, 1,200 computer workstations, disconnected, packed, transferred, then unpacked and reconnected over a distance of more than 22 km, and 1,000 m3 of crates and furniture.
AMT has drawn up an operational schedule enabling transfer operations to be managed simultaneously at the 3 departure sites. The transfers took place 24 hours a day over 10 days, mobilizing 2 project managers, 4 coordinators and more than 50 movers per day on the different sites. With the help of our partner Valdelia, we also emptied and recycled over 6,500 m3 of furniture.